Monday, October 5, 2015

Fall 2015

What a wonderful group we have for this next school year.  I am excited to work with each of the students.  Right now we are in the thick of duet and ensemble preparation, trying to get all the students ready to perform.

I really enjoy duet and ensemble work, as it requires so much listening, counting and playing along with a partner.  I would encourage parents to try to count along with their student as they are trying to play their duets, then allow them practice time with their metronomes to make sure they are spot on.  This will help them immensely to be polished.

Please note that we will have group classes on October 12 and 13 to allow us to take  the 14th - 16th off for fall break.  We will plan on doing our fall recitals on October 28 & 29 here at my home.

Hope you enjoy these cool crisp days.  Happy Fall!


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fall 2014 Update

Dear Parents and Students,

Once again it is time to start wrapping up our summer fun, and start getting ready for school to start as well as our fall piano lessons.  I am looking forward to a fun and exciting school year ahead.

I have spent much time considering the possibilities for the students this year, and have made some decisions that will present a  rewarding year for each student.

Our Fall semester will begin on August 25th.  However, the Monday students will attend a week earlier starting on August 18th, so they can take off on Labor Day.

Once again, we will be focusing on duets and ensembles during the fall months.  Our first recitals will be at my home on October 13 and 14th, right before our fall break.  I hope these recitals won’t conflict with your vacation plans.

When we get back from Fall Break, we will start working on some Christmas performance pieces to perform at the Christmas Tree Jubilee (Festival of the Trees – November 26 and 28).
In the past few years, we have had some wonderful opportunities to fund raise, and contribute to some wonderful causes, around Christmas time.  This year, my husband, son, and I would like to take a trip to Guatemala at Christmas time to visit my son’s mission, and to take some Christmas gifts to some of the families there who live so simply, and have so little.  

Recently, we went on a campout for a reunion, (a few days after my son returned home from Guatemala),  he was astonished at all the possessions that were brought on this camping trip.  He mentioned that the people from his last area of his mission didn’t even own as much as what people had brought to our camping trip.  He also mentioned that a lot of these people eat 2 meals a day of rice and beans; everyday rice and beans.  I thought it might be super meaningful to take some Christmas cheer to some of these families.  If you have any suggestions, or have knowledge of what would be best for this type of a situation, please let me know, and we will try to collect items that would offer some Christmas joy to these people this year.

Due to the possibility of a Guatemala trip in December, and the fact that our favorite Eccles Art Center, where we traditionally hold our Christmas Recital, have decided to increase their rates by almost triple, which would require us to pay $300 +, depending how long we used their facility,  (This is a big ouch!!!!!) I have had to reconsider our performing plans for Christmas.  This information just made me sick, and so sad, because I love our recitals at this beautiful place.

So, as I spent time calculating, and contemplating what we should do, I came up with a solution.  If we alternate years from performing at Eccles Art Center with the Festival of the Trees, then maybe we can save up from year to year to be able to afford such a treat to perform at Eccles Art Center every other year,  and won’t have to raise our recital/lab fee in order to have such an experience. 

So, this year, we will have the students perform at Christmas Jubilee, and hopefully next year, we will once again be able to perform at Eccles Art Center.  

In February, I would like to try to host a “Piano Idol Recital” with the students.  Not sure at this point how this would all work, but I think it could be such a fun event.  It would be something that the students hopefully would be excited to work hard for.   So, watch for details on this.

In March, some of our brave students will face the judges at the FEDERATION Solo Festival.  Participating students should have reserved a spot for this last spring.   Please let me know as soon as possible if your student would like to be added to this event list. 

May 2nd, 2015 will be the next Achievement in Music Event for those who have chosen to participate in this.

To end our school year this year, I would like to invite each student to plan, invite and perform at their own solo recital.  I think this will be a wonderful opportunity for the students to bring back old favorites, and to be the star in their own show.  I think friends and family would love to be entertained by their favorite students.  Students with brothers and sisters would be welcome to work together to put on a family recital.  I think this will be such a treat for each of the students to be a star in their own show.

Please watch for an email, and also a paper copy of your students’ account update, if they have been taking lessons through the summer.  I would like to get all the books caught up before school starts; applying credits to September lessons, or getting balances paid up before September 1st.  Thanks for your attention to this.

Once again, I hope you have a wonderful summer, and look forward to an exciting year ahead.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas Duets

I love the feeling that music brings to Christmas.  Often times, my students will play some of our favorite Christmas duets.

This post will be the home for links to recordings of some of these duets:

Jingle Bells - Bober (mm=eighths)
Jingle Bells (Primo) - 144
Jingle Bells (Secondo) - 144
Jingle Bells (Both Parts) - 144

Jingle Bells (Primo) - 194
Jingle Bells (Secondo) - 194
Jingle Bells (Both Parts) - 194

Still, Still - Alexander
Still, Still (Primo) - 72
Still, Still (Secondo)- 72
Still, Still (Both Parts) - 72

Still, Still (Both Parts) - 88

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Duet & Ensemble Practice Recordings

Do you ever get tired of practicing your duet arrangement alone, without your partner to rehearse with?  I am so happy to offer some audio recordings which include all parts of some of our favorite duets and ensembles for my students and others to rehearse with.  It will not be the same as working directly with your duet partner, but will help keep you motivated to practice, being able to hear what all parts sound like together.

Please click here, or go to the duet and ensemble page of this blog to see the list of available duets and ensembles.

Just a note on the audio recordings, they are not professional, and do not include some of the details such as ritards or fermata's (I am an amateur in recording and layering of tracks, etc, but have given my best effort in making this available).  These have been recorded in my piano studio for the use of my students and others to get the feel of practicing with a partner, away from a partner.  Please be patient with the flaws.

I would love for you to leave kind comments, especially my own students, so that I am aware that you are using these tools.



Monday, August 5, 2013

2013-2014 Update

Wow, every summer seems to go more quickly than the past.  It is hard to believe that school will be starting in 2 weeks.  Hope you have all enjoyed your summer; that you are rested up and ready to hit this new school year running.

I am excited to be able to once again get on a more consistent schedule.  And so happy to be able to work with each of your students.  I am looking forward to a fun and exciting year.

Once again, we will be focusing on Ensembles and Duets in the Fall, with the Fall recital scheduled to be on October 23rd.  I am excited for our plans for a Christmas recital to be held at the Eccles Arts Festival again this year.  What a beautiful spot to host a holiday recital.

Winter time, we will be focusing on our Classical and Contemporary Solo pieces.  Some of the students will be participating in the Federation Solo Festival and Achievement in Music during late winter & spring.  Please let me know if you would like your student to participate in either of these events so that we can get them registered.

We will also enjoy a late winter recital at my home, and then a spring recital to finish things up in May.

I am so excited to see the fun things that your students will accomplish this next school year.  Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. 

I certainly appreciate each student and the support they get from their family.

I wish you well.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Wow! I can't believe that this summer is already gone.  They seem to go by faster and faster each year.

Fall time is really such a refreshing time.  I hate to admit, even tho I love the summer fun.  It always feels good to get back into a schedule, get organized again, and accomplish some good things again.

I am so grateful to have this week to prepare for our upcoming piano year.  It takes many hours in selecting music, incorporating new programs, cleaning up, filing away.  It is an intense week for me.  But I love it, and hope I can have everything set up for a great new year.

Please take note of the dates for special events this year, in the column to the right.  There is one change already from the previous calendar that I emailed.  That is the fall recital will be on October 22nd, rather than the 15th.  We will also have group classes October 15,16,17th right before the UEA, fall break.  I usually try to keep as many students on their regular lessons times, to avoid conflict.  Looks like the Thursday students will be moved this week to join up with others for a small group class, so we can be off for UEA.

It has always been my goal to post some fun pictures here on this blog.  Please email photos if you have them from recitals, etc.  It would be fun to have them here.

Thank you so much for your cooperation and support in having a great piano year.  Please contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Fall 2011

It is time once again to start thinking about school and fall piano instruction. I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break.

Please take a look at our piano calendar for 2011-2012 school year and summer. Please know that these dates are projected and may possibly change. I plan my teaching year into 3 school semesters, each with 12 lessons, group activities/recitals in each semester, and 1 summer semester. During summer semester, I will try to offer 8 lessons/workshops, and also a make-up day for missed lessons. This allows the students to take a little break, but will keep them going through the summer. During the school year, the tuition for regular 30 min. lessons/30 min lab will be $55 each month which includes $5 which will go into the students music account (the cost for 45min lesson/30min lab will be $80) . For summer lessons, parents usually pay for summer as a package.

We will be having recitals in the fall and spring. This year at Christmas time, we will try to have the students perform at Christmas Tree Jubilee. We will see how we like this—it may become a tradition. We will be working with ensembles in the fall, and some students will be participating in Federation and AIM in the spring.

In years past, I have had several families making tuition payments through an auto payment plan. This has been a wonderful tool, however a little difficult to make changes to. So, last spring, I canceled all these transactions, so that you as the payer could set these automatic transactions up on your end. You will have online access to these payments, which will be much better.

So, I would encourage each of you to go to your bill pay in your online banking and set up an automatic payment for piano lessons. These payments can be mailed to me, or transferred directly to my banking account. It is super slick, and easy. If you do not already pay your bills online, this will be a great tool for you to learn and use. I love, love, love it! Please see the notices sent to you for banking information.

We will begin fall lessons on August 22nd for Monday students only. All other students will begin the following week. Monday students will begin one week early, due to having Labor Day off.

I am excited for an exciting new year ahead.

Thank you for your support and cooperation in providing a successful experience for each student.

Marilyn Hilton