It is time once again to start thinking about school and fall piano instruction. I hope you have all had a wonderful summer break.
Please take a look at our piano calendar for 2011-2012 school year and summer. Please know that these dates are projected and may possibly change. I plan my teaching year into 3 school semesters, each with 12 lessons, group activities/recitals in each semester, and 1 summer semester. During summer semester, I will try to offer 8 lessons/workshops, and also a make-up day for missed lessons. This allows the students to take a little break, but will keep them going through the summer. During the school year, the tuition for regular 30 min. lessons/30 min lab will be $55 each month which includes $5 which will go into the students music account (the cost for 45min lesson/30min lab will be $80) . For summer lessons, parents usually pay for summer as a package.
We will be having recitals in the fall and spring. This year at Christmas time, we will try to have the students perform at Christmas Tree Jubilee. We will see how we like this—it may become a tradition. We will be working with ensembles in the fall, and some students will be participating in Federation and AIM in the spring.
In years past, I have had several families making tuition payments through an auto payment plan. This has been a wonderful tool, however a little difficult to make changes to. So, last spring, I canceled all these transactions, so that you as the payer could set these automatic transactions up on your end. You will have online access to these payments, which will be much better.
So, I would encourage each of you to go to your bill pay in your online banking and set up an automatic payment for piano lessons. These payments can be mailed to me, or transferred directly to my banking account. It is super slick, and easy. If you do not already pay your bills online, this will be a great tool for you to learn and use. I love, love, love it! Please see the notices sent to you for banking information.
We will begin fall lessons on August 22nd for Monday students only. All other students will begin the following week. Monday students will begin one week early, due to having Labor Day off.
I am excited for an exciting new year ahead.
Thank you for your support and cooperation in providing a successful experience for each student.
Marilyn Hilton
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